Sunday, September 22, 2024

Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference 2024

 I want to thank all the teachers and organizers at the Wild Wonder Journaling Conference 2024. It was truly amazing! I learned something new that I can apply to nature journaling in all the sessions I was able to attend. And for the sessions I missed I can view the recordings at my leisure. Nature journaling is an important part of my life because it helps me disconnect from our digital world and reconnect with the natural world. I find myself slowing down, observing more, being present and taking time to appreciate and be thankful for the simple things in life. Here are a few photos from some of the interactive work I did in the sessions.

How to paint flowers quickly in watercolor 

How to quickly paint birds in the field

Using watercolor pencils

Finding math in nature

More watercolor pencils 

Observing the sky on a daily basis

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